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Showing posts from August, 2020

What is the single most underrated trait a person can have?

  What is the single most underrated trait a person can have? “Have we ever asked if a woman in  pardah  (draping) feels comfortable? What if she loves her culture? We just decided on our own that it's inconvenient so that we could pin it on patriarchy. May be it's for her good so that she could be safe from evil prying eyes.” Sounded meaningless? Well, it won't now. Just replace  pardah  with a  veil over entire body,  strangulating the entire freedom with wholesome swathe. “ Have we ever asked if a woman in  entire body-veil  feels comfortable? What if she loves her culture? We just decided on our own that it's inconvenient so that we could pin it on patriarchy. May be it's for her good so that she could be safe from evil prying eyes.” Why did the  veil  feel okay second time? Because the  veil  of pseudo-intellectualism clouded our judgement. What's the most underrated trait a person can have? Being a lesser hypocrite. “If she says she isn't uncomfortable