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What is the worst problem in your nation, and how would you go about addressing it?

India's major problem is “The Attitude of its People”…
You may be Scowling or Frowning after reading this but unfortunately this is a bitter truth that you need to accept…Almost everyone of us only pretend that we care about our country … while actually we just know the art of giving lectures and blaming…..
Wait! Before reading the complete post.. Just think for 2 minutes that what you have done for your nation??…
“Ahem!! Given a speech on Clean India mission, Save Girl Child ,Eradicate Poverty…Blamed the Institutions while sitting in front of TV…Blamed your country, Cursed the fact that you are born in India...Blah..Blah..Blah!!”
But you know what… ??
“It's Better to light a candle than to curse the darkness”….
I accept the fact that the path of lightning a candle in darkness is difficult and that is why I am writing this for my Indian comrades…The candle in the darkness are susceptible to strong blow of wind,to utter darkness of the atmosphere and to the length of night..But there is always a morning to night. Candles are just a way to encourage us and change the darkness to light…
The entire philosophy of lightning a candle in darkness is aimed at at ordinary men like you and me..It doesn't take any national leader to make an island of change. You and me can do it and initiate what others hesitate to do, it only requires an idea and a small amount of inspiration… Our country has numerous e.g. of people who lighted their small candles and flooded the darkness with their individual strength.. take e.g. of E. Shreedharan for instance…
Shreedharan told in one of his interview that he wanted to use coaches of standard guage used by Metros globally for Delhi Metro,while the ministry wanted to use the Broad Gauge like rest of the railway network. The issue went to a group of ministers and they favoured railway ministry.. Shreedharan wanted to quit the DMRC, but he remembered the central theme of Gita where Arjun feels despondent, drops his weapons and tells Krishna that he will not fight.. Krishna says “No matter what Arjun has to fulfill his duty” and She decided not to quit and gifted us with Metros and Konkan railway…
To all my fellow Indian comrades… I will only s ay that our country is home to rich industrialists and huge slums too . Our country is riding high on paths of development and at the same time facing big challenges too…
I don't know if you all have read the speech of Kalam which was about his Vision for India… In that speech Kalam mentioned the following lines..
“Our poverty levels are falling. Our achievements are being globally recognized today. Yet we lack the self-confidence to see ourselves as a developed nation, self-reliant and self-assured. Isn’t this incorrect?” [1]
Well, yes we are improving and you all can contribute in it as a citizen of India…
Ultimately, I will only say that the change must come into you before you go on to apply it elsewhere…By changing yourselves, you’re are creating that island which others can see ,appreciate and follow…You are the candle, you have to light yourself and see how others follow you and light spreads all over. Our own pride,our societal barrier,our class image and false aims prevent us from doing what we know is right! We are the biggest impendiments to ourselves! If you look into yourself , you will realise that it you and the society which is stopping you from doing something great…
I am sure that I have brought my points…
Together with our candle lit we can become such a formidable force which can change the entire nation waiting for our initiatives.
I would quote American president Ronal Reagan here:
We meant to change a national and instead we changed the world..



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