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What is Article 370 of the Constitution of India ?

History of Article 370 of constitution of India :
Article 370 provides certain provisions to the state of Jammu and Kashmir , giving it special autonomy .
Maharaja Hari Singh who was the King of Jammu and Kashmir wanted it to be called another Switzerland . He did not want to merge Jammu and Kashmir with Pakistan or with India . But Pakistan unfairly attacked Jammu and Kashmir and due to a weak armed force Hari Singh was forced to ask India for help . India agreed to help only if Jammu and Kashmir would merge with India . Hence , there was an agreement signed between Maharaja Hari Singh and Jawahar lal Nehru
on 26 October ,1947 . And also a special privilege was given to the citizens of J & K under Article 370 ( eventually written by Gopalaswami Ayyangar ) .
What is Article 370 ?
Article 370 of the constitution of India gives special privilege to the J & K citizens which are :
1 . The Jammu and Kashmir citizens have dual citizenship .
2 . The term period of Jammu and Kashmir legislative assembly is of 6 years unlike that of other states of India .
3 . The order of Supreme court are not valid in Jammu and Kashmir .
4 . Only a permanent resident of Kashmir can own a land in Kashmir . No outsider can have a land in Kashmir .
5 . A Women who marries an Indian of the other state would no more have its Kashmiri citizenship . Whereas if she marries a Pakistani , her citizenship will be the same ( ie, of a Kashmiri )
6 . Except for defence , foreign affairs and communication , all the other laws have to be passed by the State government .
7 . All the bills passed by the parliament , should also have to pass by the State government .
Example : The RTI can not be filed by the Kashmiri citizens because the RTI bill is not passed by the State government .
8 . The Article opposes the implementation of national emergency and financial emergency under Article 352 of the Indian constitution . The emergency can only be imposed in case of external aggression .
9 . Shariat law is applicable for women of Kashmir.
10 . RTE is also not implemented in Kashmir .
11 . Special provision under Article 35 A allows the State to prefer the citizens for :
  • Employment under the State government .
  • Acquisition of immovable property in state .
  • Settlement in the State .
  • Right to scholarship and such other forms of aid as state government may provide .
Pros of the article 370 :
1 . No outsider is allowed to purchase land in Jammu and Kashmir .
2 . It's difficult for outsiders to establish business in Kashmir , so the citizens of Kashmir get an advantage here as there is less competition and more opportunities for the citizens .
3 . Unlike Delhi NCR , there is no population blast in Kashmir because of low settlement of people of other states in Kashmir .
4 . Local brands are still running .
5 . Low crime rate ( but high terrorism ).
Cons of the article 370 :
1 . Lack of medical facilities because there are less private hospitals and the condition of government hospitals are poor .
2 . Due to lack of employment , youths enroll themselves in terrorism .
3 . No industrial sector available .
4 . Corruption is more in J & K than from other states .
5 . Only Muslims can become Chief ministers of J & K . So the politics is run in the name of religion there .
6 . Poor education and low GDP .
Gender bias :
Many claim that the article is gender biased as it gives more benefits to men not to women .
But this is only for the land and marriage case as I have mentioned above .


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